Wednesday, June 11, 2014

South Africa, Europe or...Georgia?

South Africa, Europe or... Georgia?

As I felt the calling to go into ministry, while I was in Swaziland, I had next to zero ways to research any options for the next step. Except for the 3 hours I could buy wifi when we took kumbi’s (the local transportation) to a local place with internet access. So basically all I had to go off of was my bible, and the fifteen amazing people I shared my African home with.

“Deeper trust, bigger faith” have been a consistent theme the Lord is continuing to teach me. So I did trust him, and I put my faith completely in him, that he would guide me in these new upcoming seasons in my life.

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
What a person desires is unfailing love”
Proverbs 19:21-22

I was super pumped! I was ready to go anywhere, do anything! So I began to pray about where to go next. I had heard of a few ministries in South Africa, and Europe and I excitingly began to pray about committing to a year in one of those places. But then, this thing called “CGA” kept coming up over and over again. I had never heard of it before, but my (amazing) leader, Emmaly, had just spent the past four months prior to our trip there. While this sounded no where near as exciting to me as moving to South Africa, or Europe. I know that this is where the Lord is calling me for this next season in my life, so I will gladly go. (His plans are ALWAYS far better then my own).

“CGA” is short for “Center for Global Actions”
             Sounds legit, right? My dad asked me if that was where Captain America and the Avengers meet. {haha}. What it really is though, is an apprentice program that is a part of the same mission organization that I traveled to Swaziland with. Here is a basic breakdown: 

“The CGA Apprentice program is a launching pad dedicated to your holistic development through community, discipleship, and apprenticeship. We believe God designed everyone uniquely and has placed a unique call on each life. We exist to activate your generation to its kingdom role”.

SPIRITUAL FORMATION: We've seen hundreds coming off the field, disoriented because they've been "wrecked for the ordinary." As kingdom journeyers ourselves, we've all come to the same realization: "There's no clear path ahead, but there's no way we're going back!" Some of us have walked that scary and uncertain "path ahead" and have laid some markers for those coming behind.
The CGA continues the growth process that begins on a kingdom journey like the World Race or Passport. It functions as a bridge from holy brokenness to empowerment in making a difference.

AN UNCONVENTIONAL APPROACH TO YOUR GIFTS: We believe in the way Jesus did discipleship: a radical three-year model involving risk and apprenticeship. Although a summer or year overseas may be the first step, your journey is incomplete until you dig deeper. The Center for Global Action is the next stage in your growth process. Encountering the kind of learning Jesus modeled won't happen in a classroom; it will be a different path.
This dynamic learning experience will help you understand God's call on your life and guide you in the exciting opportunities available”.

So there it is. This fall, I won’t be moving to South Africa, or Europe. Instead I will be moving to Gainesville, Georgia, starting September, 2014, and I will be living there for at least eight months, with the possibility of extending it to a year. 

The cost for all of this is about $10,000.

What I ask of you is to pray. Pray for me and my big new journey, and if you feel lead, I would be honored if you would partner with me financially.

Whether it is a onetime gift, or a monthly pledge.

Ten thousand dollars is a daunting number to me. But I know that my God is faithful and I trust that he will provide. Pray and consider. Join me in learning deeper trust, and bigger faith.

You can sponsor me by clicking on the following link:

Donations for Brook -Center for Global Actions.

Type in my name "Brook Gelinas" and choose "discipleship bases"

To give by mail:

Please mail your tax-deductible contribution to: 

Adventures In Missions
P.O. Box 742570
Atlanta, GA 30374-2570 

Be sure to indicate the purpose of your gift on your check:
                                 For Brook Gelinas (Please include the participant's full name)

You can check out the full website on CGA here:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths strait”
-Proverbs 3:5-6

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