"What the heck is Brook doing in Georgia?”
My life isn’t really “normal”,
that’s part of what I love about it. I live as a woman deeply in love with my Creator, King and Savior. I live in full abandonment to all that this fallen world has to offer. I live as a servant to the Kingdom of the living God. I live fully dependent on the Lord for my every need. Jesus literally pays for my groceries, gas, and every other living expense. I live in a house with girls from Washington D.C., Boston, Texas and Georgia, whom I met the night I moved in. I call myself a “Kingdom Gypsy” because that’s what I am. I’m a Kingdom kid, wild and free, and I go wherever my Father tells me to go.
I’m a full time missionary, currently stationed in Gainesville, Georgia.
This is where papa has called me for this season. I can feel it in every inch of my soul that this is where I’m meant to be right now. I am in a discipleship program called “Center for Global Action” one of many branches of Adventures in Missions.
So what exactly does my life here look like? Lemme tell you about a typical day in the life of Brook Gelinas.
6:25am: My alarm clock starts buzzing, pulling me out of my peaceful sleep.
6:45ish: I actually start to open my groggy eyes, roll outta bed, shuffle my feet into the kitchen, and switch the coffee pot on.
8:50am I get to the office of Adventures in Missions.
Monday mornings start with all staff worship.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (And wednesday afternoons) start with working in my department of Short Term missions. We send out thousands of participants onto the mission field every year! I can be found doing anything from marketing, to making phone calls, building relationships with past and future participants, with lots of stuff in-between.
Wednesdays begin with classes: “Calling class”, a class dedicated to teaching us how to decipher the calling the Lord has on each of our lives. Then “Dangerous Jesus” class, a class teaching on the radical way Jesus calls His disciples to live. Both classes are amazing, life altering and challenging, I soak in every minute of them.
1:30pm I head to “Worship Track”.
Track time is a little hard to explain, because it’s kinda lead by the Holy Spirit, and everyday is a new adventure. At any given moment, track time may consist of: Learning what a life of worship looks like, studying the book “The Supernatural ways of Royalty” and diving into what it means to be sons and daughters of the King of Kings. Deep theological discussions about the bible, God himself, and any other given things in life really. Times of prayer, worship, journaling and listening prayer. Talks from my track leaders, as well as talks from a variety of guest speaks from around the “adventures community”. We have also recently begun doing more outreaches to our community of Gainesville, including worshiping and spreading the love and freedom of Jesus at “the Square” (it’s our downtown), and this week we begin a mentoring program with local kindergardeners!
5:30-45pm I get home, cook some dinner and spend time with Jesus, and then time with my roommates.
11:00pm-ish My eyes get droopy and I give in to sweet, sweet sleep.
Along with my daily routine, I am also in the process of learning to play guitar (yay!) and lots of crazy awesome community events!
I hope this gives you some insight on what the heck I’m doing living down south! :)
Below, you can enjoy this awesome slideshow of my life in photos!
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