Saturday, July 19, 2014

I'm packing for Indiana…What?!

I'm packing for Indiana…What?! 

I kept waking up in the middle of the night.
 This isn't normal for me. When the lights are out, so is Brook. See ya in the morning!  
But it kept happening night after night...

I know that my God is faithful. I know that he can provide. 

 But I was getting overwhelmed. Fundraising for CGA was starting to stress me out. 
But these feelings crept back in ever so slowly, I didn't ever realize that they were there.
Then one night I woke up at 3am, and my brains first reaction was to panic, stress, and try to figure out how I was going to get this accomplished.

But I refused. 

I gave it to God.
Then I immediately fell back into a peaceful sleep.

That following day, I got a text from an unknown number. 

Long story short, a family friend offered me a job.
But not just any job. She is literally making this job up for me. (What?!)
And she's invited me to stay in the guest room of her home, to stay with her and her family, in Indiana. 
As a means to raise some money for my discipleship program at CGA. 
She is one of the most amazing women that I have ever had the honor of knowing,
and I am so excited for the time that I'll be spending with her. 
She has been more then an angel about everything already, and I haven't even gotten there yet!

So, as the kingdom kid that I am. I quit my other job early, and I'm packing up, and moving on down!

This is the most unbelievable offer to me. My mind is blown (again). All glory to Jesus… 
He made this crazy big dreamer, yet he just loves to open up the floodgates of heaven, and bless me with things better then I could have ever imagined!   

The plan for now is two weeks down there, and we'll see from there.
 I leave Sunday afternoon!

So there is the quick update on my crazy good life. Stay tuned for more to come!


  Kingdom kid.

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