Sunday, August 10, 2014

Eight ways I spent time with Jesus

Eight ways I spend time with Jesus.

"Downloads from Heaven are remarkable
 if you feel the heartbeat of Heaven and know what it is to be ruined by how much God loves all people on this earth,
 good and bad. The Father's heart is for humankind. His heart, if you have ever been to that intimate place and felt it beat for the lost, ruins your life…

The secret place is where we soak in His presence and hang out with God.

As desperate as you may be for his tangible presence, striving is not rest, so just rest in Him.Relax, breathe in his holy spirit, and let everything out".

-Beni Johnson,  Beautiful one, A walk with deeper intimacy with the one who created us.

Growing up in the church, I thought that I had a pretty good idea of what devotiontime was "suppose" to look like .

 It wasn't until this past year that God began to really reveal to me the vast diversity in His relationships with his other sons and daughters,
and how my relationship with Him was to be super unique.
I wanted to encourage, and really describe what my daily, set aside time with Him may look like.
Somedays it's all of these ways. Normally its a combination.
This is by no means a complete list. 
But these are some of the main ways I spend intimate time with my Beloved, Jesus.


1. Worship.

"Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus,
 let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire!"
Hebrews 12:28-29

I learned a long time ago that worship isn't about me. It's about praising the Holy of Holys.

Giving what is due to His Majestic name. His mercies are new every morning! Our God is a freaking consuming fire! I try to make worship a top priority everyday.

And when I say "worship" I'm talking, locked in a room. Completely alone. 
Sitting and belting my heart out to my King. Pouring out my everything at His feet.

2. Prayer.

"Pray without ceasing"
 -1st Thess 5:17

Prayer is nothing more then talking to God. How absolutely incredible is it that we can freely communicate with the King of Heaven and earth whenever, and wherever we are?! I pray we never take that lightly.

While praying, and being in consistent communication with the Lord all through out my day is so important.
 I also set aside special times to enter into a committed, and focused time of prayer.
 This is where I act as a intercessor for the broken, and hurting.
When I lay out my praise for Him. 
I lay out my requests, burdens, and I pray on behalf of my family and friends.

3. Listening prayer.

"My children will listen to my voice"
-Jesus, John 10:16

Listening prayer is where you go off by yourself, quiet your heart and mind, and wait to hear from heaven.
 It's different from my regular times of prayer.
 This is me sitting silent before the throne room of God. Expecting, waiting. 

This takes time, patience, and discipline to learn. Sometimes you feel as though nothing happens. But it is SO worth it. All of it!
 Because The Lord promises that we will find him, when we seek him
with all of our hearts. (Jer 29:13-14). 

This is where we learn to hear the heartbeat of heaven. The sound of Heaven touching earth.

4. Resting.

"Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience"
Hebrew 4:9-11.

"My soul finds rest in God alone"
Psalm 62:1  

I go and rest in the presence of God almighty. Simple as that.

It's a time of refreshment, and rejoicing in who God is, and how he feels towards me. I just feel him loving on me like crazy during these times. 
Usually its so peace filled that I fall asleep, or "Taking A nap with Jesus" as I like to call it.

Rest in His love, His peace. Let the King of Glory play with your hair.

5. Reading/Studying  the bible.

"How can A young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you: let me not wander from your commandments!
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
Psalm 119:9-10

"Let our hearts be filled with the word of God. Let our eyes be fixed upon the word of God."
-Matthew Henrys Concise Commentary

These are the very words of life. This is where I learn of God's heart, His character. His plan,
and his ways. I learn of His love for me, and His heart for the lost, and the hurting.

These are the words of the Lord, they direct my very life.

Not only do I read it. I study it, memorize it, drink it up, meditate upon it. 

6. Listening to Podcasts.

"Give me understanding that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart, 
lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it."
Psalm 119:34-35

Along with studying directly from God's word, I also love to snuggle up, and listen to a good podcast,
 filled with powerful truths. This is by no means a replacement for church.
But, it is an amazing tool for my continued growth, and pursuit of righteousness.

I especially love to use them along side my personal bible study, when I'm studying a specific topic, 
or portion of Scripture. Plus, they're totally free! (can't beat that!)

7. Journaling.

"But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed a wearisome task,
until I went into the sanctuary of God."
Psalm 73:16-18 

I'm not talking about the "dear diary, I love JC from NSYNC" kind of stuff that I wrote when I was nine.

I am talking about putting down on paper (or on your phone) your raw heart, getting vulnerable with yourself, jotting down what your
 learning, your struggles that day, your joys, sorrows and your triumphs! 

I don't journal as often as I should. But I am always super thankful that I did later on. Journaling is a super powerful way to process
what God is doing in your life, and heart. It's also very eye opening to go back and reread your old journal entries.

I've kept a journal from every past mission trip I've been on. 
It's amazing to look back upon your growth, and all of the things the Lord has faithfully
 brought you through!

If you don't journal now, I highly encourage you to start!

8. Dreaming.

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly!"
John 10:10

This last one may not make any sense to anyone but me and Jesus, and thats okay.
Like I said earlier, your relationship with Christ is unique to you, and you alone!

But for me, it's so awesome!

This is one of my favorites ways to be with Jesus.

 This looks different every time.

For example, the night before new years eve, this past winter. Jesus just asked me to sit with him and dream big, huge, abundant things for my life in 2014!

Then one time, it was dreaming up a vivd story of Christ Jesus redeeming me, as I was a poor woman out on the streets  covered in rags, then being transformed into a radiant princess, standing in the throne room of God almighty.

Once you fall in love with Jesus, spending time with him daily stops being a chore, or just another thing to add to the daily check list. 

It's something you long for.

It's something you need to fully live!

It will change your life forever, in the most beautiful, and glorious way possible.

"Bring me the sacrifice of your time: a most precious commodity. In this action-addicted world,  few of my children take time to sit quietly in my presence. But for those who do, blessingsflow like streams of living water. I, the one from who all blessings flow, am also blessed by our time together. This is a deep mystery; do not try to fathom it. Instead, glorify Me by delighting in me. Enjoy Me, now and forever!"

-Jesus Calling {August 2nd}




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