Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My first two weeks in Georgia

My first two weeks in Georgia

Greetings from the land of sweet tea and peaches!

My first two weeks here have been a crazy ride! I had the amazing opportunity to drive down to Georgia with my mom. Bless her heart. If I wasn’t sleeping, I was talking. The whole way down. Going on and on, verbally processing all of my excitement. I moved into my new house. I explored my new city! I went on a crazy intense hiking trip for four days. (Still processing some things that happened there. Blog post on that coming soon!).

 I met all of these awesome people who are just as crazy as I am! I went to the Japanese festival.   We had unbelievable times of worship, where the Holy Spirit just came and blew our socks off. People’s bodies were healed by just being in the room! I got wrecked some more. I got visions of just being drenched, like with water, but it was all the love of Jesus, all over me. Soaking into every conner of my body, spirit and soul. I’m entering into this new season with hands wide open, ready to receive all that Abba has for me.

My time here with CGA (Center for Global Action) is broken down into three main components: Apprenticeship, Discipleship, and Community.

I have been placed in the “Short term missions” department for my apprenticeship! This department of AIM (Adventures in missions) is responsible for any of our mission trips under a month long. I will be working here four half days per week! 

I have a personal disciple-er, (is that a word? It is now). named Betty. Who is also my house mentor.! I am really excited to be able to live with her, as she is the most beautiful and amazing woman, set on fire for the Kingdom!

Speaking of my house, we call it “The Nest”.  I share it with four awesome women, Betty, Lacey, Kellie, and Tayo! We had our first family dinner last night! These women are awesome. I am so blessed. 

Under both community and discipleship is my “Track” of study. I am in the “Worship track” Here one of their goals is to teach us how to cultivate a lifestyle of worship to our King. Our first gathering as a track was on Tuesday. We spend a gooooood long time laying hands on one another, praying awesome, big prayers, speaking words over each other. It was so life giving. There are no words to describe it.

Today we had our first classes. We’ll have two courses of study, and we’ll meet once a week. One of the classes I will be taking is all about discovering the calling of God in your life. We get one on one discipleship, along with some really, really awesome material to dig into. I cannot wait. Our other class is titled “Dangerous Jesus”. It’s challenging. It’s uncomfortable. It’s powerful. It’s truth. I’m pumped! 

I’m still in need of $3,200 for my funding in order to be here. I’d ask if you’d  join my ministry team! In prayer first of all. I need lots. :) If your able to donate financially? Awesome! You're an answer to lots of prayer. To learn about all the different ways you can give, click here: Donations for Brook

I’m ready to grow.

To be stretched.

To be challenged.

To fail forward.

To dive fully into what the lord has for me here.

To step outside of my comfort zone… Way out.

I’m ready to dwell at the feet Jesus.

Get ready world. Cause here I come.

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