In the woods with daddy.
The past couple of days, I have had the pure honor of sitting in on teachings from a Strong and mighty warrior of the Lord. It’s in these talks that the Lord used him to wreck my world, and my view point of fear.
Isn’t that something, if we were completely honest, we would have to admit we all struggle with? There are all kinds of fear, and it comes in may forms. The fear of man, (aka, what other people think of me). The fear of failure, the fear of jumping off that cliff and into the unknown, on and on it can go.
But you know what? Fear is nothing but a filthy liar! As a daughter of the King of heaven, fear is not mine to pick up. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”. 2nd Timothy 1:7. Fear is a weapon that the enemy loves to use against us. It causes us to stand still, to take a step back from fighting in the spiritual realms. It puts us in a position of handing control over to him.
I grew up with the most incredible dad, who just happens to love hunting. I’ve spent countless hours in hunting blinds with him, out in the thick of the northern Michigan woods. When you deer hunt, you wait until after the world has fallen dark to leave the blind, taking the trek back to the car. My dad has no fear of the dark woods. None.
As a little girl, this spoke volumes to me. As long as I was with him in those dark places, I wasn’t afraid either. He was right there by my side, holding my hand, guiding me in the right direction. I had confidence in him, that even if we were to get attacked by a bear, my dad had a weapon at his side, and he knew how to use it. He wasn’t about to let anything happen to me.
When Christ was resurrected from the grave, he conquered death, and plundered the gates of hell, stripping it of all it’s weapons.
Colossians 2:15 says “In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities (of their power). He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross”. (NLT) Another version says that Jesus “stripped the principalities and the powers”.
Last night, I was awoken at 3am, and fear threatened to surround me. I knew that this was a turning point. I had the choice to stand my ground and fight this, putting into action all of these notes and wisdom I’ve been taught this last week, or I could give in to the enemy and his lies, allowing myself to be held captive under the lie of fear.
I cried out to the Lord for his strength, and he brought to my heart all of those times I was out in the dark woods with my dad. Abba wasn’t afraid. He told me that I was a big girl, and even though he wasn’t holding my hand, I had to rely on him in faith. Although I couldn’t “feel him” he stood right there next to me, he was within me.
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”. James 4:7 Fear now becomes our weapon to use against the enemy, Scripture promises are our sword.
This is my declaration, and I invite you to join me in this, that I will no longer allow the enemy to use the lie of fear over me. He who is in me is stronger than him who is in this world, and it is not me who should be afraid, but him! I have been given the brave and courageous spirit of a warrior. He has given me his complete armor (Ephesians 6:10-18) and I will choose to put on and clothe myself in his truths.
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