Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Arise, my love

Arise, my love.

I recently came across a quote, and it made me shutter inside.

“We live like zombies.
 We wake up,
 carry out habits,
and go to sleep.
Only to wake up
 and do it again.
You exist,
but do you feel alive?”.

“This isn’t right!” I wanted to scream. This is not how Abba has created us to live, walking around like zombies?  But when I took a step back, this is how the vast majority of us live. I look at our families, our city, our nation, and my heart breaks. We walk around this earth tired, hurting, broken. It’s as though we drift through this life asleep.

I look back at my own life, and remember. I remember the emptiness of boring, daily routines. I felt like it was slowly killing me. I could be around people all day, but still feel so alone. My days were filled with small talk. People at work asking “how are you?” as I passed them in the hallways. They never even stopped walking. 

I knew Jesus. I had a relationship with him. He kept calling me to go deeper with him, and I kindly put him in a box,  holding him at a comfortable length. Where I didn’t have to surrender anything, and I still held all of the control. I felt like I was in a season of waiting. Waiting for what? I didn’t really know. But I knew that there had to be more. I felt like one of the disney princesses, waiting around for my life to begin.

Then, I fell madly in love with Jesus. His love for me lead me to surrender, and from that surrender came freedom. Sweet, sweet freedom. 

He kissed my forehead and awakened my soul.

Now I am fully alive! I have daily adventures, just by being with him. I know exactly who I am. I grasp the royalty that I am, as His daughter. I live in freedom and grace. I glow with the radiance he gives. I shine under the delight he bestows upon me. I know the love he has for me. 

Then, this morning, I was reading one of my favorite passages of scripture. It comes from Isaiah 60 and it reads;

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
    and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
    and his glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your dawn…
 Then you will look and be radiant,
    your heart will throb and swell with joy.

Papa showed me something that I hadn’t paid any special attention to before. His first call is to arise. Wake up sleeper! It’s the gentle and loving kiss on your forehead from your daddy, as your all snuggled up in your own comforts. He’s calling you to get up! Get out of this zombie funk you’ve fallen into. 

Awaken your soul to His love. Awaken your spirit to live this life! Then, oh only then dear one will you shine. Because His light has come, its here! 

Can’t you hear him?
 “Arise, my love. It’s time to awaken, it’s time to live”.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

21 great things things about being twenty-one.

21 great things things about being twenty-one.

Two days after turning twenty one, I was laying on my bedroom floor, dreaming with Jesus. He told me that this next year was going to be a crazy adventure. 

He did not disappoint. 

This year past year has been a crazy ride. From living in Africa, to moving to Georgia. I have fully stepped into myself, into who he has created me to be. I have been set free. I have overcome so many fears.

I have become the woman I have always dreamed of becoming.

It is all because of Jesus, and I will take that as one of the best birthday gifts I could ever ask for. But what are some of the awesome things that happened this year? I’ve narrowed it down to 21.

1. Bringing in the new year with friends, in the old streets of downtown Traverse City.  We froze our bootys off with the temperature hovering in the single digits. But it was worth every minute.  

2. Meeting Kenzie. My friend, my new sister, “my person”.
 It was only a day after meeting you at training camp, we hadn’t even said ten words to each other yet. But somehow I just knew you’d be as weird and as crazy as I am, and I told you so.

3. Waking up in Johannesburg, South Africa. The sun warmly drifted through the window, onto my face.  I slowly awoke, and smiled. I was in South Africa. This was a dream come true.

4. Living in Swaziland, Africa. It was like being on a honeymoon with Jesus, and it was all a dream come true. 

5. Getting picked up on the side of the road, and riding in the back of a pickup truck, flying down the highway (Swaziland).
Yes, it was crazy. Yes, we almost died. Yes, it was awesome. 

6. Seeing a giraffe in a field, as we casually drove past (Swaziland).  Apologies again to my teammates for my loud squeal of pure joy.  But seriously, it was so great.    

7. Holding those precious african children, as they fell asleep on me almost everyday (Swaziland). One of the best things ever.

8.  Worshiping under the vast blanket of African stars. You really can’t beat it…

9. Receiving approx. 100 marriage proposals. (Swaziland).
It was really rather awkward in the moment, but they make for good stories now!

10.  Playing in the waves of the indian Ocean, at St. Lucia beach (South Africa). That was one of the best days of my life. 

11. Living in community with my “Swazi family”. I had the most amazing teammates. Doing daily life with them, serving along side of them day after day. It was an amazing privilege.

12. Receiving my Swati name (Swaziland). My Swati name is Buhle, and it means “beauty”. Its pronounced kinda like “boo-jay” only, you kinda stick your tongue out when you say it.

13. That African safari through Kroger National Park (South Africa).  Elephants, Zebras, giraffes, Lions, oh my! 

14. Stepping off of that airplane, and being welcomed back home by an airport full of people that I love. 
You all sure do know how to make a girl feel loved.

15. Spending my summer in Northern Michigan.
Sun, lakes, small towns all along lake Michigan. There’s no place like home.

16. Visiting in Indiana. 
I had the privilege of staying with an amazing family in northern Indiana for a couple of weeks in July, and they spoiled the living day lights outta me. 

17. The road trip down to Georgia.
I got to travel down to my new house with my momma. It was fantastic.

18. Living on my own (Georgia).
Miss independent. Need I say more?

19. Doing life with my Georgia community.
These people are amazing, and I am so blessed to call them my friends. To be challenged, encouraged, and loved by them. 

20. All of the opportunities I get to lead worship (Georgia).
It is a pure honor to gather with other believers, leading them in praising our King.

21. Exploring the grand adventures of the future Abba has for me, daily.

My twenty first year was the best one yet, and I can’t wait to see what’s to come for my twenty second!

Friday, December 26, 2014



The cold wind hit my face hard, as I took a deep breath in. The air, crisp and clean. Big, chunky snow flakes fell softly from the sky, joining the heavy white blanket of snow that already covered the ground beneath my feet.

I was home.

Suddenly it was like I had never left, and Georgia had never happened at all. But Georgia did happen, and now? I have two places I call home. My season here is so unbelievably good, that sometimes it still feels like a dream. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I get to do life like this.

 Last week, I broke down and started crying, simply because of the Lords goodness. He’s crazy faithful, and I just got so overwhelmed by Him. I got so lost in His love, as it covered me like a blanket. I was drowning in His affection over me, His delight. 

He has brought me so far to be in this place with him. He has pursued my wandering heart so fiercely, to bring me to be doing what I do. I used to be so fearful, wrapped in chains of anxiety. Then he brought me into His glorious freedom, and now I get to proclaim it to others.

Abba has lead me to living in the bush of Africa, and now he’s lead me to live in a cute little house in northern Georgia. He’s lead me to be a part of Center for Global Action. I rarely ever understand His plan when its still far off in the future, but he’s brought me to a place of being so in love with him that I have the trust to take the jump, fearlessly. 

But in all of this coming and going, the Lord has also blessed me with people who are willing to take the jump with me. Family, friends, and even complete strangers who say YES to papa, and make the sacrifice to give to my serving adventures. I couldn’t do it with you.

So, thank you. Thank you for saying yes. Thank you for your obedience. Thank you for supporting the Kingdom. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for your sacrifices, and faith. Thank you for your selflessness, thank you for loving me. I pray for an abundance of blessings for you, and your family, both now, and forever more.   

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A look back: Center for Global Actions. (first semester)

A look back: Center for Global Actions. 
(first semester)

It’s seven days until Christmas. Tomorrow morning, I hop on a plane to take me nine hundred miles north. Today, I finish up on my work projects, say countless goodbyes, and praise the Lord for all of the amazing things that have taken place over the past four months here. Today wraps up my first semester at Center for Global Action (CGA).

My time here has flown by! It’s been rewarding, hard, painful, and some of the best times of my life. I’ve grown in more ways then I can count. I am pressed with new challenges daily to help me grow, and I welcome them, gladly. I live in a community of like minded believers, who are on fire for the Kingdom. As iron sharpens iron, we sharpen each other.

I was honored to be a part of  Worship Track. We dove into the heart of worship, and what a lifestyle of worship looks like. I had four amazing leaders, who are full of inspiring wisdom, knowledge and freedom. Through this course, I gained deep insight to the power worship brings, and the ways it’s able to literally change atmospheres, cities and nations.

They caught wind of my singing, and ran with it. They took the time to pour into me, and challenge me in such loving and honoring ways.  I’ve had the honor of helping lead worship down at our cities square, in local churches, in Pennsylvania, for our all staff Monday morning worships, and lead two hour sets, at our twelve hour burns. Then I had the incredible privilege of leading at the first ever     Beauty for Ashes Retreat, for teen girls. 

 I completed my two classes of  “Dangerous Jesus” and “Calling”.  
With these, I had my mind blown weekly. The knowledge, wisdom, and power of the Holy Sprit that was present was insane. 

In Dangerous Jesus, I learned of the radical way Jesus calls us to live, and what that looks like for me. I was challenged, pushed out of my comfort zone, and poured into. I learned what biblical discipleship looks like, and how to go out and disciple others myself, among so many other things. In Calling, I was given the tools to look back and dive into what the Lord has already put in place for my calling, that I was totally unaware of. I was coached and encouraged, and at the end of it all, I can confidently say that I know what the Lord’s calling on my life is.

I have worked in the department of “Short Term Missions” (STM) at Adventures in Missions. I have learned first hand all of the work that go into sending thousands of missionaries onto the field. I’ve gained real life skills, and grown in networking with other missionaries, and I get to influence thousands of people (literally) through my work with our social media marketing.

This season has been the start of my life in full time ministry, and I am so overjoyed that the Lord chooses to use me. My relationship with the Lord these past four months has been incredible. He’s leading me into a deeper intimacy with him, teaching me obedience, and showing me that no matter whats going on around me, all I need is to keep my eyes on Him. 

It’s a humbling thing to be 100% support raised. It’s humbling knowing that I’m paying for groceries with money that the Lord has provided for me, through my amazing supporters. It brings about full dependence on Jesus, and a deeper faith then I could have ever imagined. But I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without those who support me, from what the Lord chooses to do through you. So, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your investments in eternal things. Because of you, the Kingdom of the living God is advancing. I truly think of you all as a part of this ministry team, and together, we are claiming souls, and taking territory for the Kingdom.

His Kingdom come, His will be done.
On earth as it is in heaven.

Merry Christmas, and an abundance of blessings to you and your families!

Much love,

I am only $3,200 dollars away from being fully funded! If you would like to donate to Adventures in Missions, on my behalf, check out all the ways you can give here: http://brookgelinas.blogspot.com/p/support-me.html

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Why getting married isn’t enough for me.

Why getting married isn’t enough for me.

I grew up with the dream of getting married, having babies and being a mom. I mean, my mom and my grandma married young, so I just assumed the same would happen for me. I thought that my calling in life was to be a wife and a mother. 

But when high school graduation rolled around, no perspective husbands were lurking about, and I failed to find any college majors in “mommy hood”.  

Since then, and I’ve grown in more ways then I could ever count, and I've learned a few things about myself. 

 It’s not enough for me in life to just be married.

Let me explain.

I believe that marriage and motherhood is the most beautiful and precious thing. I believe that it’s the Lords design, and it’s something I still want and desire. 

But thats not my life calling. 

This is my life calling:
“Inspiring and leading others into a life of intimacy
   with the Father where they will discover their 
         full potential, freedom, and adventure”.

My life’s calling is so much bigger then what I had deemed it to be. It’s about bringing His kingdom to earth, its about proclaiming His love, His freedom, His life, and who He says that we are! It is this calling that covers every aspect of my life. In singleness, in marriage, in motherhood. 

Marriage is such a temporary thing for here in this life.  As John Piper says
“Marriage is meant (marriage exists) to display the covenant between Christ and his church”. 

Yes, I still dream of being married. But I have bigger dreams for my life then to be married, just for the sake of being married. I dream of being a husband and wife team, on fire for the Lord together. Being as one mind and soul, doing crazy, radical things for His Kingdom here on earth.

But there are ways I can better display this convent as a single woman now, then a married woman ever could. for example;

“She will bear witness that relationships in Christ are more permanent and precious then relationships in families. If she can leave her family without bitterness and regret, and build into the family of  God and build into His kingdom, then she will find treasures better then she ever dreamed of and flower her womanhood in such amazing and unique ways beyond anything you've ever imagined. She also bears witness to the truth that marriage is temporary, and finally gives way in the end to the relationship that it was pointing to all along.” (My notes taken from the podcast “the ultimate meaning of true womanhood -John Piper).

 Marriage is not the main thing.
 It's momentary. 

Jesus Christ is forever.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Today, I prayed for healing.

Today, I prayed for healing.

Today, I sat in my dangerous Jesus class, and I felt my heart begin to beat a little faster. Our teacher announced that we were being “sent out”.

A short time later, I found myself crammed into a small car with four other girls. Our assignment was to find someone who needed healing, and then proclaim healing over them in the name of Jesus.

I knew at that moment I had two choices.

 I could either revert back to the old habits of my flesh, allowing the chains of anxiety to overtake me. I could get away with hiding in the back, and let everyone else do the talking. I could stand frozen, letting fear control me.

Or, I could fully live out my freedom in Christ, rejecting anything but courage and boldness to spring up in me. 

I took a deep breath, feeling the power of the Holy Spirit within me, and I made a conscious decision to go with my freedom, relying upon the Lord for guidance, grace and courage. 

We ended up going to the home of a sweet older gentlemen, who has been experiencing numbness in his legs to the point of having to use a wheelchair most of the time. A result of his open heart surgery the year prior. 

We laid hands on his legs and prayed for healing.

Then we just continued to get to know him, learning about his late wife and his family. As the time drew near for us to leave we laid hands on his legs again, proclaiming full healing over him.

It wasn’t a miraculous moment. Complete and full healing didn’t come right awayBut something in that room had changed, and he told us that his legs felt better! He stood up, walked around, and told us they felt better then before!

We left him with plans of visiting again. As I leaned down to hug goodbye this lonely old man, in blue overalls, and a cap on his head. He embraced me in his arms just as though I were his very granddaughter. I felt his joy, that someone would care enough about him to stop by. I felt a little loneliness leave his heart. I felt a new healing taking place in his body and soul. And all we did was spend thirty minutes with him. 

It hit me slowly, all of the times I’ve held back in fear. All of the times I miss the opportunity to show Jesus to those around me. All of the people who needed healing around me, and I selfishly kept to myself.

We have it! We have what this world needs. We know the Healer, we know the lover of their souls. We have the answer to everything this world is longing for. We have Jesus.

I want times like the one I had today to become my new normal. I want to love others so recklessly that I forget what is socially acceptable. Where I don’t even notice the awkwardness of it all anymore.

 I want to care so much for others that its not a competition against the selfish thoughts running through my head to go beyond just me and place myself in positions where the Lord has to come through. Because this life is short, and I carry within me what they need.

They need Jesus.
 I know Jesus.
 And that is the beginning of everything.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The day heaven came down.

The day heaven came down.

Yesterday, I attended a 12 hour worship session. 

We call it “The Burn” and here at Adventures in missions, we host them once a month.  It was the most unbelievable time spent in the presence of the Lord. 

I sang my heart out.
I danced.
I laughed…a lot .
I got crazy before the throne of heaven. 
I fell to my knees in adoration of my King. 
I gave everything I had in me to worship Him.

Yet, even after completely emptying myself, I left that place so full. Full of life, joy, love, in awe and wonder of the Lord. I was pumped! I couldn’t even fall asleep when I got home at 1:30am because I was so giddy! 

I asked the Lord to show me what heaven looks like that night, and I caught just the slightest glimpse. It was unbelievably good.
I got caught up in uncontrollable laughter knowing that I get to spend eternity like this, being in the presence of Jesus .

He is so good.
He is perfect in all of His ways, towards us.
He’s a good, good father.
We are set free!

Worship the Lord in His throne room, live in His freedom, be His child, bring heaven down.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"What the heck is Brook doing in Georgia?"

"What the heck is Brook doing in Georgia?”

                                                  My life isn’t really “normal”,
 that’s part of what I love about it.  I live as a woman deeply in love with my Creator, King and Savior. I live in full abandonment to all that this fallen world has to offer. I live as a servant to the Kingdom of the living God. I live fully dependent on the Lord for my every need. Jesus literally pays for my groceries, gas, and every other living expense. I live in a house with girls from Washington D.C., Boston, Texas and Georgia, whom I met the night I moved in.  I call myself a “Kingdom Gypsy”  because that’s what I am. I’m a Kingdom kid, wild and free, and I go wherever my Father tells me to go.  

I’m a full time missionary, currently stationed in Gainesville, Georgia. 

This is where papa has called me for this season. I can feel it in every inch of my soul that this is where I’m meant to be right now. I am in a discipleship program called “Center for Global Action” one of many branches of Adventures in Missions.

So what exactly does my life here look like? Lemme tell you about a typical day in the life of Brook Gelinas.

6:25am: My alarm clock starts buzzing, pulling me out of my peaceful sleep.

6:45ish: I actually start to open my groggy eyes, roll outta bed, shuffle my feet into the kitchen, and switch the coffee pot on. 

8:50am I get to the office of Adventures in Missions. 

Monday mornings start with all staff worship.

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (And wednesday afternoons) start with working in my department of Short Term missions.  We send out thousands of participants onto the mission field every year! I can be found doing anything from marketing, to making phone calls, building relationships with past and future participants, with lots of stuff in-between. 

Wednesdays begin with classes: “Calling class”, a class dedicated to teaching us how to decipher the calling the Lord has on each of our lives. Then “Dangerous Jesus” class, a class teaching on the radical way Jesus calls His disciples to live. Both classes are amazing, life altering and challenging, I soak in every minute of them.

1:30pm I head to “Worship Track”. 

Track time is a little hard to explain, because it’s kinda lead by the Holy Spirit, and everyday is a new adventure. At any given moment, track time may consist of: Learning what a life of worship looks like, studying the book “The Supernatural ways of Royalty” and diving into what it means to be sons and daughters of the King of Kings. Deep theological discussions about the bible, God himself, and any other given things in life really. Times of prayer, worship, journaling and listening prayer. Talks from my track leaders, as well as talks from a variety of guest speaks from  around the “adventures community”. We have also recently begun doing more outreaches to our community of Gainesville, including worshiping and spreading the love and freedom of Jesus at “the Square” (it’s our downtown), and this week we begin a mentoring program with local kindergardeners! 

5:30-45pm I get home, cook some dinner and spend time with Jesus, and then time with my roommates. 

11:00pm-ish My eyes get droopy and I give in to sweet, sweet sleep.

Along with my daily routine, I am also in the process of learning to play guitar (yay!) and lots of crazy awesome community events! 

I hope this gives you some insight on what the heck I’m doing living down south! :)

Below, you can enjoy this awesome slideshow of my life in photos!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Throw back Thursday! Swaziland March 1st 2014

March 1st, 2014

Hello friends!

It's March already?! Total craziness. It's so strange. Life here is so slow paced, yet my time here is flying by! Before I know it I'll be boarding a plane, headed back to the states. I try to savor every moment I have here. Treating it like the precious gift that it is.

First off, I am so beyond thankful for Jesus. For his relentless pursuit of me. For his never ending, unfailing love. That he choses to use me. Me?! Because he certainly doesn't need to...his glory is proclaimed in the stars every night, in the surrounding mountains. Yet, he choses to put the dream of Africa in a young girls heart at the age of eleven years old. Giving her this unspeakable passion for his precious orphans there. Then he brings me here. I will be forever grateful.

On Monday this past week, the day was an amazing adventure from the moment I woke up. We all packed onto the bus and took the three hour drive into South Africa. We spent the better half of the day at one of the most incredible beaches I've ever been to in my life. St. Lucia, South Africa. It was like a dream. Never mind all the warnings of hippos, sharks, and crocodiles. I was getting in those huge waves of the Indian Ocean!

 It was beyond amazing. I was laughing so extremely hard from the pure joy of it all. Jesus made me feel like I was a little girl, splashing around in the waves with him...I'm pretty sure heaven will have a place like that there. I prayed that it will anyways. "To him who is able to do more than we could ever ask of imagine" and "He stores up good for those who love him" were two Bible verses that were on my mind all day long. Because that's exactly how I felt about that day. It was better than everything I ever could have imagined.

On Tuesday we started ministry back up here in Nsoko. Aka, the middle of no where, literally the bush of Africa. It felt like we had come home. :) My ministry team of myself and three others, were told to wake up especially early, and to be ready to go out into the fields to help harvest. Harvest what, we had no idea... Early Tuesday morning came and gone, and no one had arrived to pick us up...three hours later we found out that the harvesting had already been completed, and that they didn't need us anymore. Welcome to Africa. :)

Skipping ahead to Friday, it was such an extraordinary great day. From the moment I woke up. The sun was shining, as it does every morning beginning at around 4am, and I just got to spend some amazing time with Jesus, before most of the rest of the house was awake. I even had a cup of coffee, and washed my hair! What more could a girl ask for?!

Later that morning we headed out to a care point that was new for us. The kids were all preschool aged, so we got to spend lots of time just hanging out and being with them. Loving on them, praying over them. But then, this adorable beyond words little girl, about one year old caught my attention. She was young. Really young. Usually if there are babies around that young they belong to the gogo's. But after some researching I found out that she wasn't a daughter of a Gogo, but instead came with one of the other kids there. But the oldest kid there that morning couldn't have been over the age of six...a lot of these children walk miles and miles to get to these care points. For what may be their only meal that day. At two year olds?

She was so dirty. Dried and crusty snot was all under her nose, and lots of other unknown dirty spots splashed across her face. She had so much dirt layered on her tiny hands. She wore nothing more than a raggedy tee shirt, that wouldn't be fit enough for a baby doll back in the states. I took out my water bottle and washed her face, then her hands. She had so much dirt on them, that it was like her hands were completely covered in red clay mud. I cleaned out her nails, best I could, and fixed some braids in the hair. 

But what do you do after that? I still have no idea who cares for her, who makes sure that she gets fed, and bathed, and protected...who will hold her when she crys, or any of the number of other things a one year old baby girl needs...But God knows, and he loves that baby girl. He has a good plan for her life. So I pour out prayers for her. Wouldn't you please join me? Because the truth is, her story isn't all that different from a multitude of others that I see and hear about every. Single. Day here... After holding her for awhile her eyes starting getting droopy, so I rocked her to sleep. Because today, God had provided me to love her, to care for her, to snuggle her tight for a while while she slept...

We are currently back in our routine of visiting three care points, three times of going out to spend time visiting gogo's, and three work projects per week. But don't for a second think that anything is remotely the same old, same old. Everyday is a new adventure, and anything can happen. It's different every time we go on a home visit, every time we go to a care point, and pretty much every work project. Add in the excitement of chickens in our kitchen, almost being caught directly in a stampede of donkeys (thanks Garrett), or the consistent interruptions of little Timbaleaka, aka "no pants Nancy".

Life here gets a little crazy sometimes. Like worshiping out under the vast blanket of Swazi stars, up on the containers in our back yard. (now that I think about it, just getting up on the containers is a little crazy in of itself). Or playing night kick ball, with nothing but the light of our headlamps. Watching Snele, our ministry partner,  get out of the vehicle and making the cows get off of the road (you don't wanna know his method). Then, you can just go outside and watch Garrett chase some goats...I feel like there are so many more crazy things that happen all around me, all the time, but honestly, I've just come to accept them as my new everyday life.

I am so blessed. Thank for again for all of your prayers. I wouldn't be where I am without them. God is good. I love you all!

Love your Swazi girl, Brookie.

P.s. Happy, happy, happy birthday to the two best men in my life. My daddy, and my little brother. Have some ice cream for me! I love you both! :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Romanced in Pennsylvania

Romanced in Pennsylvania.

This past weekend, Jesus opened up the floodgates of heaven {again} and lavished me with His goodness. Romanced me with wine, community, music and bonfires, and used a friend to sing life changing prophetic words over me.

{Performing on Saturday morning}

The worship track was invited to come up to Pennsylvania and spend the weekend at Spring Gate Winery, in the capital city of Harrisburg. We had no idea what to expect. Honestly, I didn’t even really know what my purpose was in going. I was just excited to be going on a trip. The adventure girl in me had been longing for a excursion!

{Performing on Sunday afternoon}
We were taken care of in every little way possible. In a time in my life where I have never been so dependent on the Lord for my every need financially  He took this weekend to crazy lavish His love on me, in such practical ways. By providing everything from money to go buy coffee, {he knows how to love me well} to my food, to the amazing time spent in community and worship.

{Harrisburg PA}

One of the things that stands out to me the most about this weekend was our first night there. We stayed in this awesome old, white farm house. What was suppose to be a time of rehearsal, turned into an epic time of worship. There was so much freedom in the room. The Holy Spirit was there in such a heavy and special way. I was overwhelmed with peace and joy. Then my friend Logan said that we were supposed to sing over each other. 

{The winery}

So one by one we began to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and what he was telling us to sing. 

Then it was time for someone to sing over me.  

“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."  Zephaniah 3:17

I remember reading this verse some time ago, and I stared thinking. 
Lord, I wanna hear you sing over me”. 
 It was such a simple, child like faith prayer. But I really, truly wanted to hear it!  

I was just sitting there in that old farm house with little girl anticipation. I knew that this was an answer to my prayer!

Austin started to sing, and I was blown away. Here’s a little something that was sung.

You were born to be wild.
I created you that way.

Keep chasing after me.
Run to me.
You’re gonna run faster then you ever dreamed possible.

Stop doubting.
Don't ever doubt.

I love you.

The Lord is so crazy faithful, it keeps blowing my mind! He’s such a good daddy! He gives us good, awesome, great unseachable things! Better things then I could have ever dreamed up for myself. Better things then I could ever desire on my own. And He loves doing it! Craziness. 

He’s a good, good father. 
Rest in that. 

{Official Band pic}